.: Welcome to the Whor€'s ôƒ
ßaߥLõn website
This website will be the home of all the
guild's information, as well as that which we couldn't find
a place for in the guild itself. We have a library here with
helpful hints and guides for new starters, as well as things
to do for all players. The library is passworded, and so can
only be accessed by getting the password from a guild staff
.: Whor€'s ôƒ ßaߥLõn
website features
In this update from the previous site, created
by Satanica, we now have a gallery, where mugshots of members
and staff alike can be shown, so all can see what a veritable
bunch of muppets we all are. There is also the Wise Words
section, where any of the resident webmasters can post profound
comments to "wow" their fans.
.: Regular features
As can be seen by the menu on the left hand side,
we also have all the regular fields for a guild website. We will
try to keep you updated with not just guild news, but also game
news where you might not have read any of the latest announcements.
We have a guild staff section, showing who is in what role in the
guild, we have a section describing the guild's history, which for
the older members here will be kept the same as the old website
(By Roy's request). We also hope to setup a website specific forum
in the near future, something separate from the usual guild "Massage
.: Future of the website
We hope to setup a website specific forum in the
near future, something separate from the usual guild "Massage
Web site contents © Copyright Whores of Babylon 2006, All rights
Website templates